Submitted by Bhaktin Rashmin
I hurried to the temple room for 8 o-clock darshan half to greet their Lordships, and found some guests greeting the Lord. I noticed a young caucasian girl, seemingly following the notions of the rest of us - bowing after each altar door revealed Caitanya, Gopinatha, and Jagannatha!
So I looked at Ksira Cora Gopinatha, pleading with Him,"I can't go up to her. I don't know anything!". Then I remembered my prayer that I have been concentrating on for the last couple of days: fearlessness in distributing books and telling people about Krsna. Naturally, I desired this since I am very timid and afraid of going up to random people to say hello. Finally I decided to just take a plunge and made my way in her direction.
I asked her if it was her first time visiting the temple, and she replied " Yes, it is." She explained that she is taking a religion course in school and currently she is learning about Hinduism. I tried my best to answer her questions and tell her about Krishna Consciousness and Prabhupada (who, by the way, she thought was Krsna! ) Anyways, I gave her some Caranamrta and offered some prasadam but she did not take. We had no sweets left at the reception desk,however, I did give her some magazines and an Urban Edge yoga card, which she was very interested about. I have to say though, the best part about this whole experience was when she inquired about our japa beads and what we did with them. I told her to repeat the mantra after me, which with a little difficulty she managed. And it was extatic to me.
This whole experience made me aware that, as Mangala Aarti said, Krsna fulfills our desires so quickly when He sees that we are very sincere. It inspired me to continue preaching and distributiong books, hoping I get stronger in this very nice service Prabhupada and Caitanya Mahaprabhu left for us.
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