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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brahmande Brahmite

I had a few minutes on sunday and I took a walk to the subway near my house and it was empty. At a far corner I saw this lady taking a smoke all alone. As I walked upto her I was a little nervous whether she would talk to me and initially she was hesitant and didn't want to talk with me, but as I had nothing else to do I kept trying. Then she touched one of Prabhupada books and I was relieved. She now started to ask questions and said she would take the book. Then started to tell me what a coincidence this was as her friends were supposed to be there an hourago and she was irritated waiting for then alone and I materialized out of nowhere. She said how she was looking for happiness and i told her these books were rare and quoted Brahmande brahmite Kaunas bhagyavan jiva, guru krishna prasase paye Bhakti lata bija and explained who knows which universe and life we met in. I explained the meaning of that verse and she began to cry really badly Saying how she was just coming out of a long term relationship and felt like she had a very deep lifetime connection with this friend and is not able to comprehend how to move on and now she met me. ThIs point I handed her another book and asked her to read that to. She agreed to take it and give donation for it but her eyes and heart were filling up. She kept saying all is good but she was pouring tears. She wasn't poor or foolish but she was just suffering there is so much suffering in this world and so much work for devotees to do, sure there is another person standing alone at street corner crying internally while externally saying all is good.

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