In the special mood of Hanuman and his monkey army, we will be heading out on the streets to help bring back Sita to Lord Rama and we will be doing this by sharing the love of Krsna Consciousness through kirtan, books, prasadam and a friendly smile!
There is service for everyone - help before, during or after the sankirtan festival in whichever way you like. This festival is an ideal opportunity to meditate on Lord Rama and his glories! Please join us for this amazing festival!
“Ramacandra's life… if we hear, that means we are associating with Ramacandra. There is no difference between His form, His name, His pastimes and Himself. He's absolute. Therefore either you chant the holy name of Rama, see the statue of Rama, or talk of His pastimes ;it means you are associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
So we take advantage of these days when the incarnation of God appears or disappears and try to associate with Him. By His association we become purified.”
- Srila Prabhupada lecture, March 27, 1969, Hawaii
See you soon! Please email toronto.sankirtan@gmail.com for more information.
4:30am Mangal Arti, Japa
7:45am Bhagavatam Class
9:15-10:00 am Building the Mood - Training & Goals
11:00am-2:00pm Street Sankirtan
2:00pm Maha-Harinama
2:30pm Lunch Prasad at the temple
How can YOU help?
1. Prepare Prasadam for distribution: From the comforts of your home prepare dry non-perishable prasad for distribution. Our goal is to distribute 5,000 pieces of prasad.
2. Package Prasadam for distribution: Friday 29th April 2011, 6:30-8:30pm
3. Stamp and pack books for distribution: Friday 29th April 2011, 6:30 PM - 8:30pm
4. Help with Logistics/Transportation: Saturday 30th April
5. Prepare Prasadam for Sankirtan team: Saturday 30th April 6:00-10:00am
6. Participate in Harinam - sing along, lead kirtan, play an instrument, hand out cookies or distribute books: Saturday 30th April; 11:00-3:00pm
Though the weather is improving, it is Toronto and sometimes, we are subjected to very strange weather patterns! Please bring a light jacket and an umbrella!
See you on April 30th!
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