Scene 1:- 4:30am, rushing out to the temple with bags of grocery in hand, I hail a cab. 243 Avenue Road please - the hare krsna temple. Thank you
Driver:- What's this mark on your forehead? Is it your religion?
Me:- Yes, I am a Hare Krsna!
What followed was a 5 minute conversation on religion and what hare krsna's believe. As we came close to the temple, I offered my kind driver a complement on his interest in learning about other religions. I asked him if he wanted to read about mine and he gracefully agreed. I ran into the temple, grabbed one "bhakti yoga"from the hallway and brought it back.
Me:- We normally request for a small donation to help us cover printing costs. If you like you can give something, otherwise please keep it as a present.
Driver:- Oh sure, just give me 5 dollars for the fare and keep the rest as a donation!
Grateful I, smiled and ... wondered what the day would unfold!
Scene 2:- Running late for the cake decoration class at the temple, we hail a cab. 243 Avenue Road please, The Hare Krsna Temple! As we come close to the temple...the driver asks "oh is this your church", yes, its our temple - The Hare Krsna Temple. Are you interested in yoga and meditation. "Yes". Would you like to read something on it? Sure...
Again I run into the temple grab a Perfection of Yoga and ask the kind driver for a donation. He happily handed me a 5 dollar bill. I thanked him and thanked Krsna...yet again!
Scene 3:- Again running late, after printing the monthly newsletters...I hail a cab. 243 Avenue Road Please, the Hare Krsna Temple!
Driver:- But there is one condition. I want PRASAD!
I was dumbstruck! What just happened!
My driver, who was a very kind muslim guy, spoke to me about his religion...prasad...and other temples in GTA. We reached the temple, I ran in to find some prasad...on the way out I grabbed a "Higher Taste" and I offered it to him as a present and requested for some donation, to which he very kindly offered a portion of the fare!
With grateful memories of a Krsna-ized day, I went inside...praying to always remember the sweet little games that the blue boy plays!
Haribol! :)