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Last Update: Jan 31, 2013

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How Krishna engages the favourable in Sankirtan...

One day I was standing there contemplating if today was going to be a difficult test of my determination, after but a few rejections, when a young man, wearing a cap with a Che image stopped, and said he had been on a quest to find this knowledge, that he'd read many books on this matter, he mentioned titles but I forgot all but "Tibetan Book of the Dead" and something about the "Law of Attraction". Leo is his name, and he is from Argentina, and it was really no surprise to note that he was artistically inclined, played the Piano and was learning to play the Guitar. We talked, I was trying to explain too many things to him, but admitted that I couldn't even begin to delve into the depths in that short meeting... He was telling me about some psychic he was in touch with. But I didn't even have to go the whole way with my pitch, he just took out his wallet and asked how much. When I explained that we're not selling but gratefully accept any donation, he gave me what was a generous donation. And just like that, in less than 10 minutes of being on the street, the first copy of Bhagavad Gita was travelling in another backpack with a sincere seeker. Krishna was going to Leo's home, and Srila Prabhupada was following closely behind.

Shortly after, Patrick, after walking by a couple of times, stopped. He was in a hurry, before I could say much, he'd thrust some change in my hands, took the Bhagavad Gita "No, not the small ones, I want the big book" and was in his car driving away, while, in all the fumbling, the change he'd given me slipped from my hands onto the sidewalk. As I gathered Laxmi from the sidewalk, I reflected how miraculous it was that Krishna had arranged for Leo to give me a little bit more so Patrick could take Him home too. Leo gets the benefit of book distribution already, just by reciprocating with Krishna once, Krishna arranges for Leo to get the benefit of distributing a copy of Bhagavad Gita to Patrick.

Patrick didn't know Leo, and Leo didn't know Patrick was going to benefit, but Krishna sits in His Paramatma feature in the hearts of Patrick, Leo, and me, so, like an expert orchestra conductor, he waves his wand and does magic.

( Image originally from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Russian_Hare_Krishna_Devotee_on_Sankirtan.jpg)

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