Monday, April 26, 2010
AtitaVancha - Krishna who fulfils your desires beyond expectations

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
April 24 (Sat) 9:00am:- 11th Monthly Sankirtan Festival
Its the last saturday of the month and time again for our Monthly Sankirtan Festival (MSF):(Schedule below).
MSF - Our Monthly Sankirtan Festivals are an initiative to share Krsna Consciousness in an organized manner in the association of devotees, through distributing books, prasad, holy name and warm friendly smiles!
If you've been to a MSF before, you've experienced the joy of sharing the wonderful message of Krsna Consciousness with the passersby on the streets of GTA- so you need no more convincing, and for those of you who've never been able to come out - you'll really have to experience it to know what its like!
Please bring your friends and family, you're certainly in for an unforgetable treat. And please dress warmer than you think you'll need to, given the unpredictable weather. Looking forward to serving with you.
Schedule for Sat, April 24th:-
9:00am :- arrive at the temple
9:30am :- Training on "how" and "what" of going out experience
10:30am : - Team assignments10:45am :- Drive to various locations
11:00am-2:00pm :- Harinama Sankirtan at different locations
2:00pm :- Final harinam & Wrap up
2:30pm :- Return to temple for lunch prasadam
No More Steak!

No Language Barriers for Bhakti

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The International Connection - Mercy from Down Under

Amazon.com - The Transcendental Sankirtan Goof-Up!

She agreed. And after a month of chanting she couldn't stop. She is still chanting and gradually losing her taste for material activities.
The domino affect . . . all started by some worker in Amazon.com's warehouse who was inspired by the Supersoul to send Jed "the wrong book" about Krsna.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Cab Again...
So today was another start - cab sankirtan multiplies...Perhaps somewhere, Francesco is sharing something about Bhagavad Gita or UEY with one of his customers...
Param Vijayate Sri Krsna Sankirtanam
Religion, Faith and Dharma
I was standing at a street corner and i saw this man - he was not very old but he had a huge beard that added years to his age. There was something that made him seem favorable even from far. I didnt disturb him and kept giving fliers out to others...but then he turned around and came upto me curiously asking what I had. While giving him the flier I noticed the urdu newspaper in his hand and wasnt sure whether to show him the Bhagavad Gita or Perfection of Yoga - especially since he did not practice yoga or meditation
As I handed him the Perfection of Yoga, he started to express his liking for reading about. He told me he was of Muslim origin, and was studying Islam and Zorastrianism. I was certain - now I had to show him Bhagavad Gita. I started to show him the mantras and pictures ..he even tried to read some words. I encouraged him to take it with him for a donation and he very quickly made a generous donation. Once he was holding the Bhagavad Gita - he just started to open up even further. He gave me many good wishes and promised to write back. He recognized how sharing spiritual knowledge required special faith - I was amazed at how he was appreciating devotional service.
He was discussing what is religion - and i was remembering the introduction to BG where Srila Prabhupada explains the meaning of the word religion - I asked him to read it later. Srila Prabhupada says :
The English world religion is a little different from sanātana-dharma. Religion conveys the idea of faith, and faith may change. One may have faith in a particular process, and he may change this faith and adopt another, but sanātana-dharma refers to that activity which cannot be changed. For instance, liquidity cannot be taken from water, nor can heat be taken from fire. Similarly, the eternal function of the eternal living entity cannot be taken from the living entity. Sanātana-dharma is eternally integral with the living entity. When we speak of sanātana-dharma, therefore, we must take it for granted on the authority of Śrīpāda Rāmānujācārya that it has neither beginning nor end. That which has neither end nor beginning must not be sectarian, for it cannot be limited by any boundaries. Those belonging to some sectarian faith will wrongly consider that sanātana-dharma is also sectarian, but if we go deeply into the matter and consider it in the light of modern science, it is possible for us to see that sanātana-dharma is the business of all the people of the world — nay, of all the living entities of the universe. Non-sanātana religious faith may have some beginning in the annals of human history, but there is no beginning to the history of sanātana-dharma, because it remains eternally with the living entities.
Friday, April 9, 2010
A meeting with Sunny on a windy day...
It was an extremely windy day. At Yonge-Finch, there are always a lot of extremely shady men who often come up with unpleasant words. The combination of strong winds and crazy people petrified me even though I know that we are always protected by Sri guru and gauranga. So I decided to move closer to some crowds but how much of a crowd can one find on such a windy day. As I stood scared but trying to smile, this young, clean looking guy stopped without me asking him to stop, this scared me even further. He asked me if I was stopping people to sell something. I told him I was a yoga teacher and asked him if he knew anything about it. He said he had been doing yoga for a year; trying to stay still in the blowing wind, I handed him the Bhagavad Gita
I opened the book and started showing him the mantras and he said 'don't open the book it will get spoiled. I believe you and I will take it. How much is it?'. I told him it was a donation. To avoid the wind he offered to go to the side and talk-whatever was left of me, got further scared, but we stepped aside and he just gave me the laxmi and was ready to go. But then I stopped him and said hey I have a mantra for you. I told him try saying Gauranga. He didn't say it but asked what it meant. I told him it means 'Be happy'. He said 'Be happy'. I said yes, just try it. He then went away and I got back to my insignificant sankirtan efforts.
Suddenly I saw him come back and all my fear signals went off. I decided to turn around and hide, started to walk away. He saw me and called out, I pretended to be pre-occupied with my phone. Finally, he screamed GAURANGA and then again GAURANGA, now I had to stop.
He had unknowingly actually started the process of Bhakti Yoga. Later he came to me and asked me some questions but by now my fear was dead. He had called out to the Supreme Lord - he must have been a devotee from some life. Such is the power and mercy of the holy name
This episode reminded me of the account of Gajendra. Vaisesika prabhu had explained that Gajendra did not remember that he was Indradyumna or a bhakta. After 1000 years of battle with the crocodile when he realised he was going to lose and die, he still did not remember Krishna. But he remembered the Bhakti Yoga process he had followed in the past life and started reciting the prayers from his past life, not knowing who he was calling to. But the lord accepted the prayers and came right away to deliver his devotee.
Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: Thereafter, the King of the elephants, Gajendra, fixed his mind in his heart with perfect intelligence and chanted a mantra which he had learned in his previous birth as Indradyumna and which he remembered by the grace of Kṛṣṇa. SB 8.3.1
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Coming Up Next!

10th MSF - Bringing Sita Back to Ram
out to distribute about 56 books and 1200 pieces of prasad!
This MSF also marked the launch of GTA's Wal-Mart Sankirtana. A display table was set up at a Wal-Mart in Scarborough from 10:30am - 5:00pm, with three devotees manning the table. The devotees met many interested people and distributed 700 prasad candies and 24 books for a total of 170 laxmi points! All the
participating devotees were visibly enlivened and had many wonderful experiences to share.
Meanwhile, downtown the sankirtana team was at its regular spot at Yonge & Dundas. Unshaken by the cold winds and missing team members, the sankirtana warriors distributed about 500 pieces of prasad and 31 small books for 70 laxmi points! The team also happily discovered two amazing kirtaneers in Sing Lung and
Anshul Prabhus! After the sankirtana, all participating devotees went back to the temple to honor prasad and share their realizations.
Wal-mart Sankirtan—The Magical Breakthrough

For years now, sankirtana devotees in the USA have been a regular sight at Wal-Mart Stores. In Toronto, however, this was unheard of – until now. Our 10th MSF marked the attainment of our first ever Wal-Mart permit, courtesy of an extremely sincere, hard-working devotee and sankirtana regular!
"When H.G. Vaisesika Prabhu was with us on Friday (March 2010) and asked whether anybody had a connection with Wal-Mart, I had a heart ache; I felt bad that I couldn't do any thing. I just made a humble request at Krishna’s lotus feet," Menaka Thambiratnam recalls. Soon enough, Krishna answered her sincere prayers. We received permission to set up a display, provided there was no other fund-raising initiative taking place. We jumped at the opportunity
and set up shop on March 27th!
"When we were on the road or did door to door sankirtana, most of the time people seemed to be in such a hurry. At Wal-Mart we had different experience - people approached our table; they had questions and were willing to spend more than 20 or 25 minutes talking to us. We met people who already have many of Srila Prabhupada's books at home and others who don't know anything about Lord Krishna" says Mother Menaka. Also helping out at the display in Wal-Mart was Mother Sita Thakurani and Milind Prabhu. The team members thoroughly enjoyed themselves, spoke to many people, gave out 700 prasad candies and distributed 24 books for 170 laxmi points!
"Back in December ’09, I saw a fundraising stand for a charitable organization at a Wal-Mart,” says Mother Menaka. “In my heart I really felt that we should have a table full of Srila Prabhupada's books in the same way. Thanks to Vaisesika Prabhu’s December visit, I had a clue that it might be possible. The rest was the Sankirtana Team and Wal-Mart – we all worked together. It was that simple. It seems that Krishna already made all the arrangements
and He was just wanting us to discover them. We all are on a limited visa, not an open one. We all can do much more to please Krsna. Everyday I am thankful to the devotee who introduced me to this joyful world. Thank you Srila Prabhupada. Thank you Vaisesika Prabhu. Thank you Sankirtan Team”.
In the months to come, we'll reach out to other Wal-Marts and stores in different areas, with a hope of taking the transcendental mission of Srila Prabhupada
to every store…every corner of the GTA!
Never know ... who you'll meet!
Submitted by:- Mangal Arti dd
I was at the corner of Bloor and Spadina but there weren't many people on the street. Suddenly, I saw a man with very long hair on a bike at the traffic light was about to drive off. I thought well why not - so i ran up to him and asked if he had heard about yoga and meditation. I was thinking he would call me crazy but he stopped and looked at the book, I was pushing in his direction. As he saw Srila Prabhupada's name - he looked at me and said 'I have books from Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - are you Hare Krishna?'. My joy had no bounds and I said yes i am hare krishna. How do you know Srila Prabhupada. He explained to me that he used to go to the ISKCON temple in Mexico where he had even tasted prasad. His copy of Bhagavad Gita was back in Mexico and he didn't know devotees here. I showed him Urban Edge Yoga and invited him to our sessions. As he was buying the Bhagavad Gita from me he said he was starving and if he could get some prasad. I was so apologetic but then i remembered some super duper mini muffins in the cookie jar, upstairs. So i ran up and got him some muffins packed in a zip lock. He said he would comeback...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
How Krishna engages the favourable in Sankirtan...

One day I was standing there contemplating if today was going to be a difficult test of my determination, after but a few rejections, when a young man, wearing a cap with a Che image stopped, and said he had been on a quest to find this knowledge, that he'd read many books on this matter, he mentioned titles but I forgot all but "Tibetan Book of the Dead" and something about the "Law of Attraction". Leo is his name, and he is from Argentina, and it was really no surprise to note that he was artistically inclined, played the Piano and was learning to play the Guitar. We talked, I was trying to explain too many things to him, but admitted that I couldn't even begin to delve into the depths in that short meeting... He was telling me about some psychic he was in touch with. But I didn't even have to go the whole way with my pitch, he just took out his wallet and asked how much. When I explained that we're not selling but gratefully accept any donation, he gave me what was a generous donation. And just like that, in less than 10 minutes of being on the street, the first copy of Bhagavad Gita was travelling in another backpack with a sincere seeker. Krishna was going to Leo's home, and Srila Prabhupada was following closely behind.
Shortly after, Patrick, after walking by a couple of times, stopped. He was in a hurry, before I could say much, he'd thrust some change in my hands, took the Bhagavad Gita "No, not the small ones, I want the big book" and was in his car driving away, while, in all the fumbling, the change he'd given me slipped from my hands onto the sidewalk. As I gathered Laxmi from the sidewalk, I reflected how miraculous it was that Krishna had arranged for Leo to give me a little bit more so Patrick could take Him home too. Leo gets the benefit of book distribution already, just by reciprocating with Krishna once, Krishna arranges for Leo to get the benefit of distributing a copy of Bhagavad Gita to Patrick.
Patrick didn't know Leo, and Leo didn't know Patrick was going to benefit, but Krishna sits in His Paramatma feature in the hearts of Patrick, Leo, and me, so, like an expert orchestra conductor, he waves his wand and does magic.
( Image originally from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Russian_Hare_Krishna_Devotee_on_Sankirtan.jpg)