Our scores as of the eod yesterday were 4316 books! We only have 8more days and we need 684 books!Do you think we will meet/beat ourgoals? Please join in...the final leg of the marathon has started! Weneed ALL your help, prayers and blessings.
Submitted by Mangal Aarti dd
I met Zzenie with her friend Luke at the Sunday feast about 2 years ago and it was her first time there. Later she came to a home program we did with HH Bhakti Brhad bhagvat maharaj. While she was listening, she was very young and lost in her youth. A few days ago I realised the power of association of pure devotees and the power of Prabhupada marathon in connecting lost souls when i met her. I walking through a very quiet parking lot trying to find someone to show a book when I saw her once again.It had been 2 years but she had aged so much, her face showed it and she told me she was leaving Toronto and moving back to Jordan in two weeks. I asked her what happened and even though she didn't reply in detail, she was visibly in pain. She said she could not take it anymore and needed a break. So this time I showed her the Bhagavad gita and asked her to read it while she is away as it would give her strength. She agreed to take it with her and gave a donation. It took her two years to come to this point and i was thinking how Krishna attracts everyone, once you come in contact with Srila Prabhupada, you are always in his shelter. Irrespective of rebellious nature of living entity, He catches you when you may think all is gone.
Bhagavad-gita (15.7):
mamaivamso jiva-loke, jiva-bhutah sanatanahmanah shashthanindriyani,prakriti-sthani karshati
"The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind."There is a great struggle for existence because the living entity conditioned by material nature is under nature's full control (prakriteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah [Bg. 3.27]). Because of his limited knowledge, however, the living entity thinks he is enjoying in this material world. Manah shashthanindriyani prakriti-sthani karshati [Bg. 15.7]. He is actually under the full control of material nature, but still he thinks himself independent (ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate [Bg. 3.27]).
There was a slight drizzle and I was really praying to somehow be able to render some service to Prabhupada and someway deepen my relationship. Wondering how it would happen I was standing outside UrbanEdge Yoga, when this man came from the internet cafe next door. I tried to speak with him but he was so extremely distressed, and just told me he was very very upset. He looked like he was choking. Upon asking, he said he was in love with a woman and she would not have him. He was so shaken up and depressed by it. I asked him why - what happened. He said she didnt think he had enough money and he really didnt care about it but the woman would not be with him. I tried to explain to him how this was the way of the material world and we talked a little about nature of men and women. He said he was afraid she would find someone else and I said she will find someone regardless if she has to. (Just this morning i was reading 4th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam where narada muni narrates the story of king Puranjana and how he loses his lifespan following his wife and senses and now I was getting a practical example) I showed him a perfection of yoga and asked him to read it. Initially he said he was too fragile and needed a job and couldnt read. then I showed a picture of Srila Prabhupada and recognizing the picture he said he had met him. As he didnt look old enough, I said it wasnt him, you must have met some of his students, he insisted he had seen Prabhupada on Yonge street. I couldnt figure out what he was talking about so we went back and forth until he said he had seen prabhupada at the parade and thats when i realised he had seen Srila prabhupada's diety and now Prabhupada got him here. I told him it was a sign and he took the book for a donation. He told me he was feeling better already and he started to thank me. I asked him if i could teach him a one word mantra - and he learnt to say Gauranga. He asked what it meant and i said it meant 'be happy'...he chanted Gauranga 3 times smiling and shaking hands and while leaving told me he was feeling much better. Srila Prabhupada is personally driving his marathon, we just have to be there.
4.27.6 The great sage Nārada then addressed King Prācīnabarhiṣat: O one whose life-span is great [virāṭ], in this way King Purañjana begot 1,100 sons within the womb of his wife, Purañjanī. However, in this business he passed away half of his life-span.
Purport 4.27.13 As the sun rises and sets, it snatches away the balance of our life-span. Thus as each day passes, each one of us loses some of life's duration. It is therefore said that the duration of one's life cannot be saved. But if one is engaged in devotional service, his time cannot be taken away by the sun. As stated in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (2.3.17), āyur harati vai puḿsām udyann astaḿ ca yann asau. The conclusion is that if one wants to make himself immortal, he should give up sense gratification. By engaging oneself in devotional service, one can gradually enter into the eternal kingdom of God.
As compiled by Rashi Singh
One year ago, HG Vaisesika Prabhu graced ISKCON Toronto with his presence for the first time, and our temple has not since been the same. Not only had he empowered and inspired a group of devotees to form the Toronto Sankirtana Team, but by his mercy, many people are feeling the buzz of book distribution, and so many more are reaping its benefits. One such person is now a regular, valued member of the ISKCON Toronto family. At a regular Sunday feast, I have the privilege of honouring prasadam with this devotee, who explains her story to me.
About a year ago, Haleh Ashkevari was driving with her daughter in the Bloor-Spadina neighbourhood. Haleh was unassumingly parking her car, while her daughter walked into a nearby store in the trendy area. As Haleh stepped out of her car, a devotee approached her and asked if she was interested in yoga. She said yes. The devotee began showing her the pages and some pictures of the Bhagavad Gita, using the tips that HG Vaisesika Prabhu provided, that Haleh herself is now very familiar with. Intrigued, she gave the devotee $20 in exchange for the book, after which he introduced her to Vaisesika Prabhu. “Do you believe in the power of prayer?” Vaisesika Prabhu asked.“Sure,” she said.“I’m going to teach you one – repeat after me.” And then Haleh uttered the Hare Krishna mahamantra for the first time in this life. “I’ll never forget that feeling,” she remembers. “I really felt like something had taken over me. The mantra was so powerful.” Snapping her out of her somewhat bewildered and happy state, Haleh’s daughter then approached her to leave for the next store. And she did, but not before Vaisesika Prabhu invited her to the temple. She came the very next day, and gave Vaisesika Prabhu her contact information, upon his request.
For two months, she didn’t come to the temple due to a busy travel schedule, but Vaisesika Prabhu stayed in touch with her. “He was so kind, and very personal,” says Haleh. “I don’t think I knew how lucky I was!” With the encouragement of HG Vaisesika Prabhu, Haleh began coming to the temple more regularly. Although she felt it was a little scary at first, the devotees made her feel very welcome. Also at the insistence of Vaisesika Prabhu, Haleh began going out on books. “It’s been a wonderful experience. I feel that going out on books is a self-cleansing process for me. Every time I recognize things in people that are preventing them from surrendering to Krishna , I feel like I’m looking in a mirror.” At this point in Haleh’s story, I’m in awe. Was it just one year ago that Haleh came into our lives? She is such an integral part of our community, and such a warm and loving personality. And as she says something so simple, and so humble, I begin to appreciate the power of Srila Prabhupada’s books, and of Vaisesika Prabhu’s care. “I feel like going out on books allows me to meet people who remind me of what the things are that I need to work on to progress in my Krishna Consciousness,” she continues. “I’m reaching a point in my spiritual life where I’m realizing many of my faults, and my personal obstacles. I hope that going out on books will continue to purify me, and I really hope that I have the blessings and association of all the Toronto devotees to help me!” Again, I’m deeply inspired by Haleh’s humility, and the depth of her realizations. There are so many people in our city who are in desperate need of Srila Prabhupada’s books. With a little bit of courage, and a lot of mercy, we should all try to assist the Toronto Sankirtana Team as much as possible, and play a small role in pushing on Srila Prabhupada’s glorious mission here in Toronto .
Speaking to Haleh makes me realize that we really are just instruments, and Krishna will send us people who are ripe for Krishna Consciousness if we endeavor with sincerity. I also realize that book distribution is as much for our own purification than anything else. “Here I am a year later, praying for the mercy and blessings of all the vaisnavas,” Haleh says. “I am eternally grateful and indebted to HG Vaisesika Prabhu.”
Submitted by:- Mangal-arti devi dasi
It was interesting today as i stood at the corner of Avenue and Bloor hoping to reach out to someone with a book. My consciousness was battered and I was severely in pain, physical and mental, but that's not new anymore. I saw this semi clad lady just glide by in her skates and i thought perhaps she must be a crazy...anyways she was wearing a necklace that reminded me of Krishna, I stopped her and asked questions about it. We got talking and I showed her the books I had. She said she was curious about yoga and gave me $2 for the Perfection of Yoga. Soon she started to tell me about Osho's book she had read and some deepak chopra stuff. I immediately replied - wow you should have told me that before. Osho Deepak chopra..they all read Bhagavad Gita and I showed her a copy. Seeing the mantras i asked her to try and read one and she played along. Then she said i have to get a copy of Bhagavad Gita for myself...i told her take this one.She looked positively surprised but had very little laxmi and took the book. I started to tell her about Sunday's event and she said she would come and then i asked her about her life. So she showed me the picture of her daughter who was less than 2 years of age. I asked her to get her daughter along and we chatted. She hugged me several times as she left and said she would come on Sunday. I couldn't believe she was a mother - she barely wore anything and had 4 different earrings and chains and what not...but she too was searching Bhagavad Gita.
Later she stopped me again and introduced me to her friends who were cycling by...they said they would all come on Sunday, but just now i received an email from her :
Thank you Aarti,It was quite a pleasure meeting you today, I am so greatful for the book you gave me and want to start reading it soon. Although sunday sounded like a fabulous idea, my husband just informed me that its mothers day and that he and the baby have a day planned out for me already. I would really like to come to the next event so please let me know as they arise!Namaste,Kristina
Its the last saturday of the month and time again for our Monthly Sankirtan Festival (MSF):(Schedule below).
MSF - Our Monthly Sankirtan Festivals are an initiative to share Krsna Consciousness in an organized manner in the association of devotees, through distributing books, prasad, holy name and warm friendly smiles!
If you've been to a MSF before, you've experienced the joy of sharing the wonderful message of Krsna Consciousness with the passersby on the streets of GTA- so you need no more convincing, and for those of you who've never been able to come out - you'll really have to experience it to know what its like!
Please bring your friends and family, you're certainly in for an unforgetable treat. And please dress warmer than you think you'll need to, given the unpredictable weather. Looking forward to serving with you.
Schedule for Sat, April 24th:-
9:00am :- arrive at the temple
9:30am :- Training on "how" and "what" of going out experience
10:30am : - Team assignments10:45am :- Drive to various locations
11:00am-2:00pm :- Harinama Sankirtan at different locations
2:00pm :- Final harinam & Wrap up
2:30pm :- Return to temple for lunch prasadam